May Travel Tips

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Hi all. Just swinging by quickly to let you all know our Monthly Parisian Travel Tips and Newsletter has gone out to all our subscribers. And for our fellow blog followers: click here to view it. Or click our 'Newletters' tab in the menu above.

Find lots of useful information about how to use the Velib Bicycle system - a fantastic way to see Paris and an alternative to the usual metro, buses or cabs; a listing of Parisian Exclusive boutiques for the Spring Shopping Fever; tips on what to pack for Paris in Spring and plenty more!

As usual we hope this helps our guests prepare for their trip! If you would like to see or read about any specific topics - travel and/or Paris related tips let me know! We're open to suggestions - these tips are for you!!

Feel free to pass our newsletters on to friends and family if you have any traveling to Paris. These are for 'tout le monde.'

Bonne Journee xx