Monthly Parisian Travel Tips - available now

Monday, April 4, 2011
Hi all. Just swinging by quickly to let you all know our Monthly Parisian Travel Tips Newsletter has gone out to all our subscribers. And for our fellow blog followers: click here to view it. Or click our 'Newletters' tab in the menu above.

Find lots of useful information about the Metro System with a brief tutorial on how to make sense of that crazy Paris metro map; advice on 'how long should i stay in Paris'; tips about 'Tipping in Paris cafes and restaurants'; the best cooking classes and gourmet tours in Paris; and a new 2011-2012 Paris Map is available online.

We hope this helps all our guests who have booked their B&B with us prepare for their pending trip! And for our followers who one day plan to travel to never hurts to start preparing, researching and arming yourself with knowledge early! If you have any friends traveling to Paris feel free to pass on our Paris Tips to them too! These are for 'tout le monde.'

Bonne Journee xx